BioMedica 2025 Registration 19th – 20th March, 2025 – Convention Centre Dublin Are you a member of ACSLM?* —Please choose an option—YesNo I would be interested in receiving membership information ACSLM Member Number First Name * Last Name * Job Title * Organisation Name * Organisation Address * Telephone * Due to HSE Firewalls your confirmation email including the barcode to print your badge onsite may be blocked. Please use a non HSE email address to receive this. Email * Job Function: AdministrationChief ExecutiveConsultantDepartment HeadLaboratory ManagerLecturerMarketing & SalesMedical ScientistPurchasing/SuppliesQuality ManagerResearch & DevelopmentStudentTechnical ServiceOther BioMedica will be running scientific sessions, please tick those you would be interested in attending: Blood Transfusion and Transplantation ScienceCellular PathologyClinical ChemistryEngagement and Advancement (Early Career Scientist)HaematologyMicrobiologyVirology Would you be interested in attending the Academy AGM? YesNo Data Usage Personal data supplied may be used to supply you with information relevant to your business from other companies approved by the Academy of Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine. If you do not wish to receive details, please tick this box I understand the above policy * Help us eliminate spam by telling us the capital of Ireland? Δ